Fairtrade organic colour of the month | KELLY GREEN
What with it having just been St. Patrick's Day what better colour to kick of this monthly post on colours but with Kelly Green?
Of course on the day itself the traditional attire is to to wear green clothing or green accessories with at least one shamrock which of course is again green. An interesting story come myth concerning Ireland's link with green, the bible and snakes (which St. Patrick drove from Ireland) is the story of Goídel Glas.
St. Patrick's Day is usually celebrated to some degree both here and across the world by the Irish, the diaspora and others. But yesterday saw a real upsurge in the celebrations with the boys in green Irish rugby team scooping the Grand Slam in the Six Nations Championship where Ireland managed to beat all the other teams in the championship. Not to mention beating England on it's hallowed Twickenham.
The Irish rugby team like most sporting were wearing Kelly Green and the Irish supporters were also decked out in merchandise and other Kelly Green attire.
Goídel was was bitten by a snake and was saved from death by Moses placing his staff on the snakebite. To remind him of the incident he retained a green mark that would stay with him and he would lead his people to a land that would be free of snakes. His name Goídel was anglicised to the word Gaelic and Glas which is the Irish word for green !
And with Prairie being based in Ireland it is a colour very close to our hearts, minds and views outside our windows. The term Kelly Green as a shade of green apparently stems from the USA and derives from the fact that the surname Kelly as a surname and the colour green are both popular in Ireland. Certainly the colour conjures up the verdant, lush vegetation of the Irish countryside.
I'm sure thats what Pete St. John was setting the lyrics of The Fields of Athenry he certainly had in mind this kind of setting. For sure it's what we think of the area around the town of Athenry which like Prairie resides in Co. Galway just 25 kms away.
We all know that to get green you add blue and yellow which are also colours available in the Prairie range. Check out our Azure Blue and Yellow P001U Unisex/ Men's Fairtrade Organic Styled Cut T-shirt. Azure Blue and Kelly Green is also available in our P002W Women's Fairtrade Organic Styled Fitted T-shirt and P003U Unisex/ Men's Fairtrade Organic Hood.
